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Pan Asia Networking



About the Institute of Pacific Studies

University of the South Pacific
P.O. Box 1168, Suva, FIJI
Tel: 679-313900 x2018
Fax: 679-301594 or 301305

About the Institute

The Institute of Pacific Studies was established in 1976. The staff see their primary tasks as the development of skills and confidence in Pacific Islanders and as the production of useful research data and publications by Pacific Islanders. IPS facilitates and participates in research, writing, consultancy and teaching.

IPS concentrates on the 12 member countries of the University of the South Pacific: the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Western Samoa. Nonetheless, its other projects and publications include American Samoa, Guam, Easter Island, the Federated States of Microneisa, French Polynesia, Hawai`i, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, the Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn and Wallis & Futuna.

Over 2,000 Pacific Islanders have had their work published in association with IPS. The Institute also assists the Pacific Writers' Forum, South Pacific Creative Arts Society (Mana Publications) and the South Pacific Social Science Association with their publications. Those publications are included in this catalogue.

About Copyright

Materials on this web site are the Copyright © of SPCenCIID and contributors. Permission to make a single copy of all or part of this material is granted provided the copies are not made or distributed for commercial advantage. Copies should include this copright statement and a statement that that permission for limited copying has been granted by the copyright owners.

To disseminate otherwise or republish, requries written permission. Contact: John Evans, SPCenCIID, Box 320, University P.O., Papua New Guinea.

Note - While efforts are made to ensure accuracy this publication could include errors or inaccuracies and no responsibility is taken for the consequences of its use. Information will be updated on a regualar basis and content can be expected to vary considerably over time.

About BUAI

(BUAI - stands for Books Useful Articles & Information)
BUAI seeks to provide a virtual home for a growing collection of research level electronic material on and from Papua New Guinea.

Pan Asia NetworkingBUAI is sponsored under the IDRC's PAN initiative ( and ) International Development Research Centre, Southeast and East Asia Region.
PNG BUAI Project information
Papua New Guinea Internet Content Project
John Evans

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