![]() ![]() ![]() Books from University of Papua New Guinea Press 1995-1997 and Back List| Railways History | Economics textbook: South Pacific | Environment & Development (Waigani Seminar Papers) | Health & Community Medicine Reproduction & Men | Flora | Libraries | Literacy: Critical and Developmental | Mass Media in South Pacific | Matyrs in Papua New Guinea | Short Stories - Medal without honor | Teacher Education | Youth Service | Stories of Pokop of Pohyomou | Back List | At Press | _____________________________
End of the Line: A History of Railways in papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea is commonly thought to be a land without railways. At the very least, railways do not immediately come to mind as a topic for historical research in Papua New Guinea. Nevertheless, Michael Pearson and Bob McKi llop set out to document and record something of the history of local railways in 1971 - - initially as individual projects. Inevitably, their interest in the topic of railways brought the authors together and they have been working collaboratively since 1980. At first the task was to identify and document the railways which have operated in Papua New Guinea. As a result there are records of some 150 railway lines. Many of them were small hand-pushed operations from a jetty to a copra s tore or around a sawmill. Others provide fascinating stories of more substantial enterprises and the endeavours of colonial pioneers at the frontier. As the material came together it was realised that not only were there stories about small railway operations around the country, but there was also the basis for a new look at some basic elements of Papua New Guinea economic hist ory. Through the story of railways the authors have identified important themes which help us learn about the economic conditions of today from the experience of the past. The book ends with a look at the potential of railways in the future of PNG. This book is truely unique and will be valued both by historians, residents and past residents of Papua New Guinea, and by the large band of railway enthusiasts worldwide. October 1997 Table Contents:
A Medal Without Honour: Collected Short Stories
In a very heterogeneous world such as the one envisioned by Sorariba we see a negotiation process taking place. In the process we learn to deal with the contradictions and short-comings of a society caught up in the ocean of modernism (the technological age influenced by the dominant global economy), and also tangled passionately with the traditional village society with its customs and values. Some of these values have crystallized into an obscure ideology, known as the Melanesian Way. Sorariba touches on this ideology in most of the stories. Our society is already over influenced by ideas impressed on us by some obscure processes. Modernization on the shores of Papua New Guinea means transformation of the traditional society to a modern cash economy. The lifestyle and cultural traditions change in this process as Papua New Guineans make the difficult transition from the village society to an urban one. The emphasis in political authority, too, shifts from the wisdom of village elders to the flamboyant rhetoric of modern politicians. Yet what is at stake here is democracy which is easily manipulated by a few power ful individuals within the society. These stories remind us about the ugly picture of development, social change and upward mobility. The community seems to open itself up to all kinds of social infections. As the society does so, the individuals in it, struggle to libera te themselves from such social inequality. The individuals we encounter in Soraribaユs stories face conflicts between individualism and societal expectation. Where individualism overrides, communal interests subsides. Individuals are forced into mak ing decisions that hurt and destroy their sense of commitment to the society. The conflict is certainly an existential in nature, but out of individual martyrdom (like that of a writer) differences in the uneven distribution of power is visible. Regrettably also we passionately employ ideological indicators in some dubious concepts such as the Melanesian Way. Another sub category of such an ideology is the Papua New Guinea manufactured メWantokモ system, where economic conditions were determined by メ having a wantok at the right place and landing a jobモ. All these amounts to dreams yet to be realized by Papua New Guineans. Alienation already makes it possible for violence, two consequences of a contestation of physical space as well as the cultural values between two different systems. The sense of community is threatened: fear and suspicion of unexpected terror dominate the consciousness of people. Free movement of people and free expression of a society respecting itself is reduced to a society crippled by its own confused sensibility. We are people on our way to forgetfulness and alienation in the modern world. The lack of trust and betrayal of ourselves is no longer a game but a depressing moment in our history. But, of course, we can not go forward without creating a vision of our own future. Soraribaユs work draws attention to our responsibilities as writers. The first responsibility is to tell the truth without being repressed into a sanctioned fear of moral banishment. In this case, writers can find themselves being forced into limiting their will to truth within a state that homogenizes its politics on faked nationalism, too often controlling the national conscience by institutionalizing its power over the individuals. The second responsibility is to make literatur e a symbol of cultural consciousness. A nation celebrates its nationhood if it can have a collective symbol represented in works of art or literature that reflects the consciousness of its people. Once we recognize these two responsibilities we can be sure to reach our visions as Papua New Guinean writers. The free conscience of a nation is the challenge of the national writer. Since our society is polycultural, the differences i n voices require a dialogic process to emerge, whilst also acknowledging the crucial task of a discursive practice that forms within the realm of knowledge formation. The written history of our society is no longer in the domain of those who control the m eans of production but with the writer who is caught up in the conflicts, contradictions and confusing moments of a nation in crisis with tself. Contains the following stories:
National Youth Service: a Global Idea for Local Action
The Global Conference on National Youth Service is a gathering of academics, chief executives and civil servants working on or have an interest in youth development. It allows them to discuss and share new concepts; strategies for youth development; bilateral co-operation and global approaches to issues. The Forum provides a common process whereby membersユ countries can share their experiences to facilitate each othersユ development in terms of Youth Policy Developmen t, Programme Development, Information Sharing, Networking and bilateral cooperation. This volume records the third of a series of these conferences whose focus was on Global Policy and Charter of National Youth Service Organisations. Conference Theme - メNational Youth Service: A Global Idea for Local Action .モ The Confernce set up the frramework for future action in the form of an International Association and discussions had both country papers and issue related papers. Contents :- Background; Report of Proceedings; Communique and Action Plan; Charter of the International Association for National Youth Service Keynote address at Opening Ceremony - Sir Julius Chan; Keynote paper on NYS Principles and Issue - Elisabeth Hoodless Papers from Nigeria, India, Indonesia, South Africa, New Zealand, Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea, Gahna, Zambia, Kiribati, USA National Youth Service and Global Peace and Understanding , National Youth Service and Information, National Youth Service and Substance Abuse, National Service and Nation Building Missions - Reuven Gal, UNESCO Youth Commitment into 2000, Promoting Responsible Reproductive Behaviour : the Youth Perspective National Capital District Commission: City Rangers Activities, National Youth Service and Unemployment The Stories of Pokop of Pohyomou.
Throughout the main island of Manus, there are many stories about the cultural heroes popularly known as Pokops. Unlike heroes who belonged to a family and/or a village, the Pokops just appeared out of nowhere, enjoyed a brief idyll ic life, and then disappeared into the world of oblivion. All Pokops were males and none of them had a family history leading up to him and similarly none have left descendants to claim and inherit their famous mountain-top havens. This poses many interes ting questions in one's mind about their existence. Did the Pokops really live in the time past or did they exist only in the myths? Why is it that many of them attracted beautiful women and yet left no descendants? Maybe they were what the moderns would call male chauvinists? Or maybe they were a unique breed of human beings who were simply impotent? These are some of the questions that future Manus folklorists and historians would pursue in order to shed light on these famous and yet enigmatic heroes. The purpose of this small collection is to record some of the stories of the Pokop of Pohyomou prevalent among the Dranou, Yiringou, Sohoniliu and Kopou villages. The stories tell about how the Pokop of Pohyomou socialized and interming led with the neighbouring people and his other brother Pokops of Pohonanus, Pwenet and Tarau. Most of the stories have been collected and recorded by Kakah Kais formerly of the Institute of PNG Studies and more recently the Director of the Manus Universit y Centre based in Lorengau. Some of the stories are versions of the same incident but since they are collected from informants from different villages, both versions have been retained. Words and phrases used in the stories have come from are the Lele and Nali languages. The Lele sub-dialect used is the N'Dranou subdialect and the Nali words have come from the sub-dialect used in Sohoniliu, Kopou, Pwihan and previously Yirngou. The choice of language used in the stories has been determined by what village the particular story comes from. For example if the story has come from the village of Sohoniliu in the Nali area the name of the river Pokop crossed would be Yowes b ut if the story has come from a Lele village the same river would be Yowos. Obviously, the collection is slim especially when there are hundreds of stories even on the Pokop of Pohyomou alone. But it is hoped that this small collection will stimulate people from other villages to record their Pokop stories. These stories not only talk about Pokop but in talking about Pokop they also teach us something about the customs of the people at that time. The stories are like a treasure box containing interesting information about the past of the people. The stories in the book are typically Manus but should be just as interesting to readers from other parts of Papua New Guinea. (From the Foreword and Introduction) Contents: See also: www.pngbuai.com/provinces/manus/default.htm Manus Province - 2000 & beyond!
On Reproduction and Population: Views from Men in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea
The effects of population growth on health and the quality of life are major concerns for both industrialising and industrialised countries and the actual perspectives of men about these have received little other than stereotyped a ttention. This monograph presents views from men in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, a country now experiencing rapid social and economic change and one of the last traditional scenarios in the world. Contents: Nature and aim of study; Primary interviews; Secondary married interviews; Secondary unmarried interviews; Focus groups; Responses and patterns; Group comparisons and consistencies; The author K.J. Pataki-Schweizer, has long standing experience in the areas of interest and at the time of writing was Head of the Department of Community Medicine at the University of Papua New Guinea. Community Teacher Education in Papua New Guinea
The scope of this book is both broad and narrow. It is ranges over much of the Papua New Guinea educational system and does so within an international context. However, the focus is one of community school teacher education. Such a work is timely in view of the recent wide ranging changes in teacher education in Papua New Guinea. While change is both inevitable and to be welcomed - it should not proceed uncritically. This book is offered to those who wish for the continual improvement of the Papua New Guinea education system and who see community school teacher education as vital in that process. It questions many of the assumptions on which change has taken place. It is expected to contribute to the development of professional educators - who are not driven in their improvement efforts by dogmatism, but rather can justify their beliefs and actions on rational research and intellectual grounds. It w ill be of particular interest to teacher educators and to other educationalists, teachers at all levels, policy makers, overseas donor agencies and student teachers. Contents:- 1. TEACHER EDUCATION ITS ROOTS 2. TEACHER EDUCATION THE PAST 3. TEACHER EDUCATION THE FUTURE 4. TEACHER EDUCATION PACIFIC PERSPECTIVES 5. IMPROVING EDUCATION POLICY ISSUES 6. IMPROVING TEACHER EDUCATION - PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEMS 7. IMPROVING TEACHER EDUCATION - POLITICAL INTRIGUES 8. IMPROVING TEACHER EDUCATION - CONTEXUAL REALITIES 9. IMPROVING TEACHER EDUCATION - TEACHER EDUCATORS BIBLIOGRAPHY and INDEX Denis McLaughlin PhD is Head of the Department of Educational Foundations at the Australian Catholic University, Brisbane. His research interests include professional growth of teachers, school leadership studies, and Catholic education . He has published in such journals as Teacher and Teacher Education, Journal of Education for Teaching, Teaching in Higher Education and Higher Education Research and Development. He has studied at the University of Queensland and the University of Londo n. He lecturered as a volunteer in a PNG community teachers'college and coordinated a bachelor's course for college lecturers at the University of Papua New Guinea Thomas A. O' Donoghue PhD is senior lecturer in curriculum theory at The Graduate School of Education, The University of Western Australia. His research interests include curriculum history, curriculum policy studies, and educational re structuring. He has published articles in such journals as History of Education, Journal of Educational Administration, Compare and The International Journal of Education Reform. After completing his studies at the University of Limerick, Trinity College Dublin and the National University of Ireland, he lectured as a volunteer in a PNG teachers' college. Since then he has worked in Australia in the Northern Territory and at the Queensland University of Technology. Foundation Economics: a Textbook for the South Pacific
Most economics texts are written by western economists for the use of students in the Western world. However, the structural and socio-economic realities of the developing countries make it necessary to teach an introductory economi cs course with relevance to those countries. This book provides a text on Foundation Economics that is suitable for a one semester course which is specifically designed for Papua New Guinea students and students in other countries of the South Pacific reg ion. Contents: What is economics?; Production possibilities and diminishing returns; Economic growth and development; Demand, supply and price; Applications of price theory; National income: accounting and analysis; Unemployment and employm ent; Income inequality and poverty; International trade and balance of payments; Monetary and fiscal policy. Dr. Mannur has first class degrees from Karnatak University. He went to the US as a Fulbright Scholar and gained a second MA and a PhD from Indiana University, Bloomington. He has held teaching positions in India, the United States and Malaysia. He has been visiting fellow at the Australian National University and the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He has been teaching The author has been teaching economics at the University of Papua New Guinea since 1982. This is his third book. From Rio to Rai: Environment and Development in Papua New Guinea
Six volumes of papers from the 20th Waigani Seminar provide a most extensive range of materials covering all aspects of the environment and development in Papua New Guinea Volumes are as follows:-
Overseas price for each volume is US$20. Karl Hesse and Theo Aerts, Baining Life and Lore, published July 1996. ISBN 9980-84-063-3. 38 plates, 4 in colour, ix + 195 p. Reprint of work originally published by IPNGS. K20. Overseas US$20. This book provides firsthand information on Baining beliefs - particularly on the spirtual heritage of myths and ritual and especially the impressive dances. The reflections are based on the Chachet Bainings - a hill people of the G azelle Peninusla of East New Britain. Various previously scattered published material is also gathered together here, with 38 plates and a bibliography on the Bainings. This reprint makes available once more an important study, long unobtainable. For this reprint coloured illustrations by Karl Hesse are provided for the first time. Karl Hesse was born and educated in Germany and joined the Society of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in 1957. He studied philosophy and theology at Oeventrop and arrived in Papua New Guinea in 1966 and became resident priest among the North Bainings. His main anthropological research (made available in English in this book) was carried out between 1968 and 1972. In addition he also carried out programmes of building and road construction improving the economic prospects of Baining territory. In 1980 he became second catholic bishop of New Ireland and Manus, resident at Kavieng. He is currently Archbishop of Rabaul. Theo Aerts was born at Hasselt, Belgium, and was trained with the Sacred Heart fathers (M.S.C.). He obtained his S.T.D. in Rome (1960) and from 1970 he has Been on the teaching staff of the Holy Spirit Seminary, Bomana in Papua New Guinea. With a strong interest in the study of traditional Melanesian religions he also teaches on the religious studies programme at the University of Papua New Guinea. A recent publication of his Martyrs of Papua New Guinea was published by UPNG Press in 1994. Colour illustrations:- 1. Speardancer kneeling down, before being sprayed with juice of chewed sugar cane juice 2. Dancer balancing the heavy V-spear and decorated with a cluster of betelnuts 3. Typical Baining ningum -dancer, in front of the central fire 4. Another fire dancer racing around the dancing ground carrying a baby Cover - Solo churukchruk dancer performing at the conclusion of a Baining day dance Critical and Developmental Literacy
This volume presents the proceedings of an International Critical or Developmental Literacy Conference held at the University of Papua New Guinea on August 27 - 28, 1993. The topics treated reflect what was discerned as pertinent is sues on or about the historical development and spread of Literacy and Numeracy in Papua New Guinea in the 1990s. The chapters on what Papua New Guinea could or can do to reduce the high illiteracy rate among its two million illiterates should motivate th e nation to revise policies and propose realistic action plans for the implementation of some of the recommendations. The seminar was a historic success and was enriching in many respects. We hope the contents of the volume will go down well and will beco me a lasting source of inspiration for those who are attempting to promote literacy and numeracy in Papua New Guinea and elsewhere. The presentations are in the main by scholars and practitioners working in Papua New Guinea. The wide range of source mater ial is a real indicator of the tremendous range of work being undertaken in the country. The editors have done an important job in bringing this material together and in ensuring it will be available for the future. The volume is designed with a view to t he needs of students and researchers and will assist in forwarding the aim of there being an abundance of locally produced, relevant and accessible texts. Contents:- Introduction - Otto Nekitel Culture in Education : a Political Strategy for Us or Them - Martin N. Nakata Learning Literacy in Papua New Guinea: Which メLanguageモ - James Moody The Movement for Critical Literacy in Papua New Guinea - Nicholas Faraclas Provincial Portraits - Oro Province Literacy Programme Report - Bob Arie; Oro Province Non-Formal Education Report 1993 - Benson Toroi; Milne Bay Province Literacy Activities -Henry Benoma; The Plight of a Poet at Large: Reminiscences from Manus Province - Andyson Bernard Kaspou Literesi Divelopmen Long Ples : Akara Diksenari Projek - Silas Ponaiah Writing Life Stories - Sam Kaima Literacy With / Without Roots - Sakarepe Keosai Kamene Evaluation Samples of Literacy Programmes: Preliminary Findings - Willie Jonduo Linguistics and Literacy Promotion : Which Way Now? - Otto Nekitel Writing Our Own Books means Reading Ourselves - Steven Edmund Winduo The Writerユs Place in a Difficult Society - Russell B. Soaba Chemical Literacy for Life - Kirpal Singh A Critical Analysis of the Functional Literacy Programme in Papua New Guinea; and, a Case for the Third R: Towards a Numerate Society - C.S.Nembou and O.P. Ahuja Cultural Ecology and the Translation of Elementary Class Resource Materials in Papua New Guinea. - Mike Trainum Future is Here: Telecommunication System, Computers and the Changing Electronics Multimedia Technology must be used to Enhance Literacy in Papua New Guinea - Sorariba Nash G. Inference in L2 Reading as Measured by the Cloze Procedure - Ian M. Richardson Martyrs of Papua New Guinea
Very few countries can provide a set of articles on World War II equivalent to those from Papua New Guinea presented in this book. The book encompasses the war experiences on the mission field of hundreds of PNG people who were Anglicans, Evangelical Church of Manus, Lutherans, Roman Catholic, United Church, Salvation Army, Seventh-day Adventists, and, indirectly, the Kwato Church. All agencies have told their own stories, in general, and by the selection of one particular person. Some articles have been prepared especially for this volume. And there is an updated list of all those 333 persons lost on the mission field. The book is not a mere academic exercise but rather a profession of faith. The authors couch their tales in biblical language, referring to scriptural examples. The historical events, not unnaturally, will tend to shock, with the execution of over 50 missionaries on board the Akikaze, the strangling of civilians on the South Wharf at Kavieng, the strafing of the Yorishime Maru and the sinking of the Montivideo Maru. The book concludes with "The Seeds of Ecumenism" and beatification document for Peter To Rot. People who went through the horrors of war were later to decide to work together. The Flora of Motupure Island - Papua New Guinea
The aim of the book is to assist in identification of terrestrial vascular plants on the island of Motupore, Bootless Bay, Central Province, Papua New Guinea. The book will also be of some assistance as a general guide to the local flora of Port Moresby. the main part of the text is an annotated and illustrated checklist of species arranged alphabetically by family. The book is not intended as a critical flora drawing mainly from checklists and herbarium specimens at the University of Papua New Guinea. The publication has been assisted by a generous grant from the Papua New Guinea Biological Foundation. Planning for Library Development: Third World Perspectives
If there is an information crisis in the current planning mechanisms for socio-economic development in Third World countries, how should the problem be remedied? When rapid changes driven by the digital revolution are not bein g matched by the implementation of appropriate national policy structures, what steps should be taken to foster change? How should developing countries face these challenges? This volume brings together a collection of essays by African and Asian authors which set out the current status of national information infrastructures and identify methods of developing or rewriting national information policies. Drawing on examples from Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, and Zambia the authors demonstrate the magnitude of the problem and explain how the issue can be faced. Particular emphasis is placed on the role that libraries canplay in the advancement of literacy and other aspects of local and national development. In addition, community based approaches are highlighted in order to show how successful development can be promoted. This volume, is recommended reading for all individuals who have an interest or stake in the success of Third World development, particularly because the ongoing penetration of all levels of society by the digital revolution can c ontinue to place developing countries at a disadvantage. The ideas and solutions advanced here have relevance to many nations. Contents: Library Development
The news media in the South Pacific may be small - but the region has a diverse and vibrant mass communications industry. Ranging from the PNG Post Courier (circulation 41 000) and Fiji Times to the fortnightly Tuvalu Echoes and the monthly Madang Watcher, from EMTV's nationwide broadcasts via the Indonesian Palapa satellite to Niue's tiny television unit; or the PNG National Broadcasting Commission's Kalang and Karai services to Tokelau's traffic and weather broadcasts; the media c aters for an audience and readership scattered over many islands and atolls. In French Polynesia, for example, the radio and television stations broadcast to 160 000 people over an ocean territory as large as Europe. Niue has a population of barely 2000; Papua New Guinea has more than four million. This is the first comprehensive resource book on the South Pacific news media. Essays by prominent Pacific journalists and media educators explore the nature of the contemporary Pacific mass communications industry and its problems. The re is an extensive country profile section on each Pacific nation with a map, social and political information and details on the news media. This is an unique book for Pacific journalism educators, students, sociology and political science scholars, media watchers and professional journalists. Edited by David Robie, Journalism lecturer at the University of Papua New Guinea, the foreword is by Pacific Islands Monthly columnist Futa Helu. It is a sequel to the three volume News Manual produced by UPNG in 1991. David Robie is a New Zealander, currently working as a Journalism lecturer with the UPNG's South Pacific Centre for Communication and Information in Development. His other books include Eyes of Fire, on the Rainbow Warrior bombing and w hich was awarded the 1985 New Zealand Media PeacePrize, and Blood on their Banner: Nationalist Struggles in the South Pacific. Currently at press:
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About BUAI(BUAI - stands for Books Useful Articles & Information)BUAI seeks to provide a virtual home for a growing collection of research level electronic material on and from Papua New Guinea.