1998 - Institute of Pacific Studies Books from the Pacific Islands - 1998
Part 1 of 4
New Additions to the IPS Catalogue
The Bond of Time: An Epic Love Poem. John Puhiatau Pule. Combining everyday events with allusions to nature, Pule writes of melancholy, joy, stillness, energy. His images are moving. 1998. 96p. ISBN 982-366-002-6. $25
dreadlocks in oceania. Volume 1. Sudesh Mishra and Elizabeth Guy, eds. The Department of Literature and Language's journal includes poetry, short stories, essays, photographs and drawings. 1997. 199p. $15
Faeag `Es Fuaga: Rotuman Proverbs. Elizabeth Inia. A people's customs and culture are clearly expressed in their proverbs. Written and explained in Rotuman and English by Rotuma's foremost authority on language and culture, these sayings cover the gamut of behaviour and etiquette on Rotuma. Forthcoming August 1998. 281p. ISBN 982-02-0131-4. $15
He Served: A Biography of Macu Salato. Robert C. Kiste. Born a commoner, he became a medical doctor, was appointed to the Great Council of Chiefs, was elected Mayor of Suva, served as Fiji's Acting High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, became Secretary-General of the South Pacific Commission, and served as Acting Director of the Pacific Islands Development Program. Years ahead of his time, he knew the benefits of combining indigenous and imported knowledge. 1998. 138p-illus. ISBN 982-02-0133-0. $10
Japanese Aid Diplomacy in the Pacific Islands. Sandra Tarte. The unique characteristics of Oceania and of Japan's interests -- primarily as a fishing power -- have profoundly influenced and politicized Japan's role as an aid donor. Recently, the Japanese government has been compelled to address criticisms of its aid program from both donors and recipients. This book analyses Japan's responses, interests and interactions. Co-published with National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National University. 1998. 250p-illus. ISBN 982-02-0138-1 or ISSN 0817-0444. $30
Mana, A South Pacific journal of art and culture, language and literature. Volume 11, Issue 2. Subramani, ed. Drama, short stories, poetry. This issue features writers from Fiji. 116p. ISSN 0379-5268. $16
Mana, A South Pacific journal of art and culture, language and literature. Volume 12, Issue 1. Linda Crowl, ed. Poetry, short stories, essays, art and an index of all Mana issues to date. This issue features writers from Micronesia, Melanesia and Polynesia. Forthcoming August 1998. 130p. ISSN 0379-5268. $16
Musings on Niue. Larry Thomas, ed. Poetry, stories, photographs and drawings. 1997. 73p. ISBN 982-366-001-8. $12
Nai Vola Ni Wai Vakaviti. Wainimate. In Fijian language, the book identifies plants and gives recipes for traditional medicines. Colour illustrations of plants. Co-published with Wainimate, the traditional healers group of Fiji. 1997. 80p-illus. ISBN 982-02-1035-7. $10
A New Rotuman Dictionary. Elizabeth Inia, Sophie Arntsen, Hans Schmidt, Jan Rensel, Alan Howard, C. Maxwell Churchward. This book combines Churchward's Rotuman-English Dictionary and an English-Rotuman wordlist produced by five people over nearly 20 years. A useful reference book for Rotumans as well as students of, and visitors to, Rotuma. Forthcoming August 1998. 373p. ISBN 982-02-0128-4. $28
Pacific Islands Landscapes. Patrick D. Nunn. An in-depth study that illuminates the nature of landscapes and landscape evolution in the southwest Pacific Islands. This book demonstrates how much can be learned from looking at local situations. Diagrams, maps and photos on nearly every page. 1998. 332p-illus. ISBN 982-02-0129-2. $26
Samoa: Mapping the Diversity. R. Gerard Ward and Paul Ashcroft. As many maps as there is text, this book takes a thorough look at environment, forest cover, population, land tenure, infrastructure, agricultural activity, crops, livestock and fishing. Co-published with National University of Samoa. 150p. Forthcoming August 1998. ISBN 982-02-0134-9. $15
Big Wok: Storian Blong Wol Wo Tu Long Vanuatu. Lamont Lindstrom and James Gwero, eds. In Bislama, the chapters tell about World War II's beginnings; Australians, Japanese and Americans in Vanuatu; cargo, airfields, roads, telephones, ships, hospitals, canteens, mosquitoes; trouble among workmen, women and Indochinese; the New Hebrides Defence Force; equipment, planes, submarines and bombs; medicine, money, music, cinema and sport; the John Frum Movement; and changes from the War. Co-published with Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies. Forthcoming 1998. ISBN 982-02-0136-5 or 1-877175-09-9.
Land, Water &
Rural Development
Agriculture in the Cook Islands: New Directions. Saifullah Syed & Ngatokorua Mataio. Land tenure, crops, stabilization, pricing policies, directions for the future. 1993. 169p-illus-glsry-idx. ISBN 982-02-0088-1. $15
Climate & Agriculture in the Pacific Islands: future perspectives. Anjeela Jokhan & 8 others. Aalbersberg, Nunn & Ravuvu, eds. Increasing grass-roots awareness about changes in marine & terrestrial ecosystems caused by sea-level rise and climate change. 1993. 90p-tables-charts-illus-idx. ISBN 982-02-0083-0. $12
Customary Land Tenure & Sustainable Development: Complementarity or Conflict? Pole Atanraoi & 10 others. Ron Crocombe, ed. Tradition, legality, economy, government agency, atolls, mobility and complexity in the South Pacific, particularly Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, PNG, Vanuatu. Jt pubn: IPS and SPC. 1995. 200p-illus-idx. ISBN 982-203-460-1. $12
In Search of a Home. Pesi Fonua & 22 others; Leonard Mason & Patricia Hereniko, eds. Islanders abroad, organized settlement, squatting, migration & resettlement of Solomon Islanders, Tongans, Samoans, Papua New Guineans, Ni-Vanuatu, & others. 1987, 2d prtg 1991. 278p-illus-idx. ISBN 982-01-0016-X. $13
Land Issues in the Pacific. Tina Pupuke Browne & 19 others. R. Crocombe & M. Meleisea, eds. Rights of indigenous peoples, settlers, chiefs & non-chiefs, women; marine & aquatic resources; customary tenure & social change; absentee land owners; collateral for agricultural credit; productivity & economic growth. 1994. 234p-charts-tables-idx. ISBN 0-9583300-1-8 or 982-02-0096-2. $29
Land Rights of Pacific Women. Bolabola on Fiji, Kenneth & Silas on Vanuatu, Moengangongo on Tonga, Fana`afi on W. Samoa, James on Cooks. Custom, legalities, equality, potential. 1986. 136p-illus-idx. ISBN 982-02-0012-1. $8
Land Tenure in the Atolls. Baaro Namai & 15 others; ed. Ron Crocombe. Customs, boundaries, courts, taxation, law and practice in Cooks, Kiribati, Marshalls, Tokelau, and Tuvalu. 1987, 2d prtg 1995. 264p-illus-idx. ISBN 982-01-0015-1. $20
Land Tenure in Niue. Solomona Kalauni, Ron Crocombe & 5 others; ed. Ron Crocombe. Traditional and colonial tenure, absentee owners, settling land disputes, supernatural protection of land, national parks, land problems and solutions in Niue. 1977, reprtd 1980, 1996. 72p-illus. $6
Land Tenure in the Pacific. Gabriel Tetiarahi & 19 others; ed. Ron Crocombe. Customs, equality, privilege, colonization, productivity, individualism & reform in Hawai`i, Society Is, Cooks, Samoa, Tonga, New Zealand, Kiribati, Marshalls, Carolines, Marianas, Guam, Fiji, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Solomons, New Guinea. 1971, rev 1987, reptg 1977, 1987, 1991, 1997. xii-430p-21cm. ISBN 92-5-102119-8. $15
Land Tenure in Vanuatu. Hannington Alatoa & 11 others; ed. Peter Larmour. Social & cultural aspects, rights, alienation, disputes, Land Trust Board, policies. 1984. 93p-illus-idx. $7
The Margin Fades: Geographical Itineraries in a World of Islands. Joeli Veitayaki & 14 others. Eric Waddell & Patrick D. Nunn, eds. Ocean resources, urbanization, geology, Jean-Marie Tjibaou, industrialization, sustainable development, aspects of geography Pacific-wide. 1994. 304p-illus-tables-idx. ISBN 982-02-0092-X. $23
Pacific Youth in Rural Economic Development: Studies by Youth involved in Small Commercial Youth Projects. Francis Mangubhai & 12 others; ed. Mary Low. Farming & animal husbandry in Solomons, PNG, Tonga, Vanuatu, Cooks, W.Samoa, Fiji. 1984. 80p-illus. $7
The Politics of Land in Vanuatu: from colony to independence. Howard Van Trease. Ni-Vanuatu land, foreign intruders, Condominium land tenure system, Joint Court, Anglo-French policies, Nagriamel, Tautu dispute, urban land, politics & independence. 1987, 2d prtg 1991. 327p-illus-idx. ISBN 982-02-0004-0. $13
Réformes Foncières en Mélanésie: Les Iles Salomon. Edition française de Land in Solomon Islands. Waeta Ben et 20 d'autres; Peter Larmour, rédacteur. Changements introduits, projets communautaires, terres aliénées, exploitation des ressources, droits des minorités, enregistrement des terres. 1979. 189p-illus-appdx. $8
Report of the Workshop on Land Tenure and Rural Development for the Countries of the South Pacific. Tonga, 10-14 April 1984. 36p. $2
Rotuma: Hanua Pumue. Anselmo Fatiaki & 13 others; ed. Chris Plant. Politics, geography, history, religion, kinship, marriage, decision making, dance, sports, emigration, housing, development, change. Revision of Rotuma: Split Island. 1991. 283p-illus. ISBN 982-02-0035-0. $13
The Road Out: Rural Development in Solomon Islands. Francis Bugotu & 23 others; Stephen Oxenham, ed. Colonialism, forest & mineral resources, education, religious training, machinery, technology, telecommunications, politics, self-reliance. 1981. 128p-illus-idx. $7
Rural Fiji. Mesake Tukai & 11 others; John Overton & Barbara Banks, eds. Theories, land tenure, farming, forestry, fishing, roads, settlement, livestock production--a cross-section of research on rural change & villagers' response. 1988. 242p-illus-idx. ISBN 982-02-0045-8. $10
Science of Pacific Island Peoples. 4 volumes. John Morrison, Paul Geraghty, Linda Crowl, eds.
Vol.1, Ocean & Coastal Studies. Lamour Gina-Whewell & 17 others. Fisheries development in Vanuatu, fishing on Yap, linguistics & central Pacific sailing technology, Roviana women & fishing, marine resource management, environmental planning, marine management in Yap, survival & sustainability in Kiribati, marine conservation in Tokelau, Pacific navigation & Western science. 1994. 149p-charts-tables-idx. ISBN 982-02-0104-7. $10
Vol.2, Land Use and Agriculture. Atanraoi Baiteke & 11 others. Kiribati, Western Samoa, yam cultivation in Tonga, irrigated taro agrosystem in Fiji, impact of mining in PNG, taro islets in Chuuk, refuges in Hawai`i, Polynesian forest, aerial photography, yam cultivation in Solomons, and agroforestry. 1994. 247p-charts-tables-idx. ISBN 982-02-0105-5. $13
Vol.3, Fauna, Flora, Food & Medicine. Bradform Haami & 17 others. Food technology, women's plants in Vanuatu, medicine in eastern Carolines, kiore rat in Aotearoa/New Zealand, marine animals in Wayan, classification and collection, ethnobotany, medicinal plants in PNG, tree farming in Vanuatu, and healers on Guam. 1994. 249p-charts-tables-idx. ISBN 982-02-0106-3. $13
Vol.4, Education, Language, Patterns & Policy. Bruce Biggs & 17 others. Allegory, Australia, tourism, 21st century, Fijian cosmology, Tongan symmetries, PNG, Cook Islands, communication & information, Crown Research Institutes of Aotearoa/New Zealand, Polynesian thought, Maori knowledge, developmental activities in W.Samoa, Fijian mats, Micronesian development, and Vanuatu games. 1994. 249p-charts-tables-idx. ISBN 982-02-0107-1. $13
Training the Majority: Guidelines for the Rural Pacific. G.N. Bamford. Case studies from training centres in Solomons, Tonga, Fiji, PNG, and Vanuatu; assessment of effective rural training. 1986. 151p-illus-idx. $7
Politics &Government
Atoll Politics: The Republic of Kiribati. Ritita Arawatau & 29 others. Howard Van Trease, ed. Maneaba system, 1991 elections, development issues, social issues, politicians. 1993. 412p-illus-tables-glsry-idx. ISBN 982-02-0081-4. $29
Beyond Pandemonium: From the New Hebrides to Vanuatu. Walter Lini. Explanations of Vanuatu's independence struggle by Barak Sope, Kalkot Matas Kele-Kele, Walter Lini, Grace Molisa, Nike Nike Vurobaravu, Howard Van Trease, Ati George Sokomanu. 1980, reprtd 1981, 1983. 66p-illus. ISBN 0-908583-13-3. $5
Cook Islands Politics: The inside story. Tom Davis & 21 others. Background, people & parties, political penetration, voters, constituencies - range of views on the issues surrounding the historic 1978 elections. 1979. 286p-illus-idx. ISBN 0-908597-002. $10
Constitutions of the Independent States of Melanesia and Micronesia. Fiji, PNG, Solomons, Vanuatu, Kiribati, Marshalls, Nauru. 1983, rev 1991. 575p-maps. $29
Constitutions of Polynesia. A.Samoa, Cooks, Easter Island, French Polynesia, Hawai`i, New Zealand, Niue, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Wallis & Futuna, W.Samoa. 1983, rev 1991. 525p-maps. $29
Culture and Democracy in the South Pacific. Aiono Fanaafi Le Tagaloa & 15 others; 4 editors. PNG, Vanuatu, Fiji, W.Samoa, Tonga, Cooks, New Zealand, Hawai`i, FSM, Northern Marianas; essays & poetry on democracy. 1992. 290p-illus-idx. ISBN 982-02-0079-2. $12
The Facade of Democracy: Fijian Struggles for Political Control 1830-1987. Asesela Ravuvu. European politics, colonial rule, Indian threat, multiracialism and cultural insensitivity - factors of the 1987 coups. 1991, 2d prtg 1995. 118p-illus-idx. ISBN 982-227-001-1. $13
The Family, Law and Population in the Pacific Islands. Mere Pulea. Examines how governments deal with explosive population growth rates and how laws on age of consent, marriage, contraception & abortion can frustrate or encourage policy objectives. 1986, 2d prtg 1991. 209p-illus-idx. softcover $10, hardcover $16
Further Thoughts on Pacific Constitutions. Sione Latukefu & 12 others. Judicial review, land tenure, health needs, government systems as well as on FSM, PNG, Solomons and Tonga. Pacific Perspective 13:2. 102p-tables-charts. ISSN 0379 626 X. See also p.5, Rethinking Pacific Constitutions. $8
Heads of State in the Pacific: A Legal and Constitutional Analysis. Yash Ghai & Jill Cottrell. Constitutional provisions, practices and problems in the Cooks, FSM, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshalls, Nauru, Niue, Palau, PNG, Solomons, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, W.Samoa. 1990. 290p-idx-legal refs. ISBN 982-02-0017-2. $13
Independence, Dependence, Interdependence: The First 10 Years of Solomon Islands Independence. Sir Baddeley Devesi & 21 others; Ron Crocombe & Esau Tuza, eds. Foreign relations, economics, land tenure, manpower, population movement, oral history, communications, church, women. 1992. 173p-illus-tables. $16
Law and Politics. Mere Pulea & 13 others. Regional courts, PNG courts, Solomons land disputes, Fiji constitution, West Irian, decision making, self-government. Pacific Perspective 9:2. 1980. 112p. ISSN 0379 525X. $8
Law, Politics, and Government in the Pacific Island States. J.N. Kamikamica & 12 others; ed. Yash Ghai. Constitutional experiences of the independent states: national identity & unity, allocation of power, regulation of governmental changes. 1988, 2d prtg 1991. 405p-idx-legal references. ISBN 982-02-0049-0. $13
Lo Bilong Yumi Yet. Bernard Narokobi. Personal knowledge & experience of events that have shaped Melanesian development illuminate customary & contemporary law, institutions & practices in PNG. 1989. 179p-idx. ISBN 982-02-0044-X. $12
Management of Marine Resources in Kiribati. Roniti Teiwaki. The Law of the Sea Convention made Kiribati a major actor in international ocean affairs. This research shows how Kiribati, a late starter in the field of marine management, had the opportunity to learn from others' mistakes. 1988. 261pp-illus-idx. ISBN 982-02-0041-5. $12
Melanesian Politics: Stael Blong Vanuatu. Nikenike Vurobaravu & 49 others. Howard Van Trease, ed. Vanuatu's politics reflect cultural diversity, colonial history and personal differences. History, 1991 election, politicians, electoral constituencies, political issues. 1995. 528p-illus-appdx-idx. ISBN 982-02-0119-5. $47
Microstates and Nuclear Issues: Regional Cooperation in the Pacific. Yoko Ogashiwa. Traces cooperative approaches to confront testing, nuclear-powered vessels & waste disposal by superpowers. 1991. 118p-illus-appdx-idx. ISBN 982-02-0063-6. $8
Navigating the Future: A Samoan Perspective on U.S.-Pacific Relations. Eni F.H. Faleomavaega. Issues at the forefront of US-Pacific Islands agenda. US federal policies, EEZs, agricultural development, the Joint Commercial Commission, A.Samoa as an unincorporated and unorganized US Territory, culture, beliefs, media, links to Native Americans, education, the Solarz Report, security, the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone, driftnet fishing, trans-Pacific partnerships. 1995. 170p-illus-appdx-idx. ISBN 0-9644426-1-2. $18
New Politics in the South Pacific. Leiataua Vaiao Alailima & 20 others, 7 editors. Sovereignty movements in French Polynesia, Hawai`i, PNG; association of A.Samoa, Cook Islands, Tokelau; non-governmental organizations regionally & in Solomons; women's representation regionally & in Polynesia; local government in Cook Islands, PNG, Samoa; information, culture & ideas; overviews. 1994. 364p-illus-idx. ISBN 982-02-0115-2. $20
Pacific Courts and Legal Systems. Taulapapa Anesi & 55 others; Guy Powles & Mere Pulea, eds. Revised version of Pacific Courts and Justice. Views & experiences of people engaged in courts & law-related. In 28 societies of the South & Central Pacific, their forms of government, sources of law, court systems, legal professionals. 1988, reprtd 1995, 1997. 392p-idx. ISBN 982-02-0046-6. $20
The Pacific Islands and the USA. Ron Crocombe. Comprehensive study of relations including politics, territory, education, media & information, churches, society, migration, investment, trade. Discusses the significance of USA for the Pacific Islands and vice versa from the 1700s to present. 1995. 448p-illus-appdx-idx. ISBN 982-02-0116-0. $32
Pacific Neighbours. Ron Crocombe. Politics, society, sports, churches, economics--actions & interactions of New Zealand & the other Pacific Islands. 1992. 314p-illus-idx. ISBN 982-02-0078-4. $24
Perspectives du Pacifique: Problèmes et avenir des peuples insulaires. En français. Tupuola Efi et 25 d'autres. Developpement, economie, culture, identité, coopération regionale. 1983. 207p. $5
Plantation to Politics: Studies on Fiji Indians. Ahmed Ali. From immigration to permanent citizenship, struggles on plantations, for better wages, among themselves, with government. 1980, 2d prtg 1991. 231p. $12
Policies and Perceptions of France in the South Pacific: New Caledonia and Vanuatu/Objectifs et interprétations de la politique française dans le Pacifique Sud: La Nouvelle-Calédonie et le Vanuatu. Myriam Dornoy-Vurobaravu. In English, en français. Perceptions, as well as policies, play a significant role in ties between France and South Pacific countries. Les interprétations, même que les objectifs, jouent un rôle essentiel dans des liens entre la France et les pays du Pacifique Sud. 1994. 105p-illus-idx. ISBN 982-02-0099-7. $15
The Politics of Land in Vanuatu. see p.2
La Politique Mélanésienne: Stael Blong Vanuatu. Nikenike Vurobaravu et 49 d'autres. Howard Van Trease, rédacteur. La politique de Vanuatu reflète les cultures diverses, l'histoire colonial et les différences personnelles. L'histoire, l'election de 1991, les personnages, les procédures électorales et les issues. 1995. 528p-illus-appdx-idx. ISBN 982-02-0120-9. $47
Protest & Dissent in the colonial pacific. Peter Hempenstall and Noel Rutherford. Political, economic, industrial, violent and millenarian protest. Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Micronesia and Papua New Guinea. 1984. 208p-illus-idx. $10
Public Administration and Management in Small States: Pacific Experiences. Pam Thomas & 7 others; ed. Yash Ghai. Chapters on land management, health administration, communications policy, public enterprises, foreign investors, fisheries management, regionalism, and constitutional foundations of public administration. 1990. 269p-idx. ISBN 982-02-0018-0. $13
Rethinking Pacific Constitutions. Julius Chan & 8 others. Composition of constitutions, essays on PNG, Samoa, Tonga. Pacific Perspective 13:1. 115p. ISSN 0379 525 X. See also p.3, Further Thoughts on Pacific Constitutions. $8
The Tonga Parliamentary Bulletin for 1985. In English. trans/ed. Pesi Fonua. Bills, ordinances, regulations, estimates, annual reports, motions, general topics, proceedings. 437p. $8
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About the Institute
The Institute of Pacific Studies was established in 1976. The staff see their primary tasks as the development of skills and confidence in Pacific Islanders and as the production of useful research data and publications by Pacific Islanders. IPS facilitates and participates in research, writing, consultancy and teaching.
IPS concentrates on the 12 member countries of the University of the South Pacific: the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Western Samoa. Nonetheless, its other projects and publications include American Samoa, Guam, Easter Island, the Federated States of Microneisa, French Polynesia, Hawai`i, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, the Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn and Wallis & Futuna.
Over 2,000 Pacific Islanders have had their work published in association with IPS. The Institute also assists the Pacific Writers' Forum, South Pacific Creative Arts Society (Mana Publications) and the South Pacific Social Science Association with their publications. Those publications are included in this catalogue.
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